Floating on a fantastical plane A Japanese Manga Artist's...
In a narrow plot in Tokyo, 'A Japanese Manga Artist’s House,' with a sloping facade,...
The installation: The Future is Present
The exhibition The Future is Present at the Design Museum, Denmark, curated by Pernille...
New book on Black health in the south by Augusta Professor...
Steven S. Coughlin, PhD, has a new book titled "Black Health in the South." The...
Las Manuelas Art Series a melting pot of art sustainable...
Celebrating its ten-year anniversary, the initiative launches Las Manuelas’ Art...
Their frozen embryos were allegedly lost at a RI hospital....
Heartbreak, lawsuits and now a bill to try to avert more frozen embryo disasters
Greek museum presents the world of polymath Iannis Xenakis
Curators Katerina Gregos and Stamatis Schizakis discuss the National Museum of Contemporary...
From Spark to Spirit exploring light's role in our perception...
The exhibition at JAX 03, Riyadh, part of the Noor Riyadh festival, narrates a three-part...
Digital Artists in Residence at India Art Fair offers myriad...
In conversation with STIR, two digital artists in residence at India Art Fair 2023.
Radio signal 9 billion light-years away: What it means...
A radio signal nearly 9 billion light-years away from Earth was reportedly captured...
Ventriloquist Ontology, the fabric is more alive than the...
In the dystopian play “The Ventriloquists’ School” by Alejandro Jodorowsky, a ‘free...
Fighting Machines: Autonomous Weapons and Human Dignity
In Fighting Machines, Dan Saxon draws on his extensive practical and academic experience...
Astronomers find rare star system that will lead to gold-producing...
Astronomers at the National Science Foundation’s NOIRLab announced the first confirmed...
Armchair Ideology: Henrike Naumann Interviewed
Armchair Ideology: Henrike Naumann Interviewed by Tobias Rosen and Luise Mörke
Real Compassion Is a Feat: Akil Kumarasamy Interviewed...
A novel both epic in scale and intimate in its focus. Akil Kumarasamy’s new novel,...
NASA and DARPA to develop nuclear thermal rocket engine...
NASA and DARP will collaborate on a project to develop nuclear thermal rockets that...
Satellite, rocket stage nearly collide in possible ‘worst-case...
An old rocket body and a military satellite nearly collided on Friday. LeoLabs said...